Zagreb, Balkans, Adriatic, travel, GenX, fashion, design, art, advertising, music, alternative culture
Sunday, September 30, 2007
War crimes tribunal and job interviews and online dating
I watched an ad for an on-line dating service last night, I think it is, and it seems to be branding itself as the hipsters dating service. It is the opposite of e-harmony. They suggest e-harmony rejects people - hipsters. It criticizes their questions as long and not relevant to hipsters. The questions are the unique selling proposition of eharmony. They say it matches people on important values. I wonder how matches people - probably on cultural things like what music I like, I guess. I think is more like Bourdieu and interpretive marketing research brought into VALS while eharmony is more like VALS and lifestyle research. Please don't rip off my ideas and write an article on them and get tenure etc. Yes, I am a wounded graduate student, just back from a job interview. Regardless, I am right about these dating services and their connection to marketing research, and I am taking marketing research theories seriously. Hey, maybe if I have to teach Audience Analysis this spring, I will apply dating services as a case study.
I started to write about love and imposing reason on it, and how you can't, even though dating services say you can. Then the connection with Bourdieu came up. So that is why we went down that road.
Please, do not impose reason on love, that is a one way trip to crazy town.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Žuži Jelinek
(quotations taken from the daily paper "Vecernji list", Oct. 2nd 1998., journalist Branko Vukcic)
"VL: If a man does something inappropriate, for example is late....if he (un)intentionally hurts a woman, what can he do to make up for what he did? What works with women?
Jelinek: If only men would know how women are easy! We are all alike inside."
"Jelinek: In the morning a man should say a few warm, kind words, and all his problems are solved. If a woman was clever, and the majority is today, she would not reproach him anything, because men today are extremely touchy."
"Jelinek: Four rules how a woman can keep a man are: First, with sex. Second, with a smiling face. Men do not like women who sulk. Third, she must never begrudge him on anything because all men are alergic to reproach. Fourth, if a man is well fed, if he is happy and content at full dining table then a woman can't lose him. He might temporarily go to another woman, but he will come back. Men are different than women and sex is important to them as much as food."
"Jelinek: Every woman must be interested in politics so that she would be able to make conversation with a man at all.", September 09, 2007
Adjusting to America
- To celebrate the holidays, my friend T. came over last Sunday afternoon and we baked these kiflice. Ingred...
These are the BEST cookies. They are from Slavonia, where my father's family is from. Here is the recipe from Kuharstvo by Mira Vucetic,...